Winter Bird Feeding Tips


The winter can be a tough time of year for birds. However, you can give your feathered friends a helping hand. Attracting birds to your garden will be more successful, if they have a place that makes them feel secure and comfortable even in the worst weather. So providing shelter like roosting or nest boxes will help birds to conserve valuable energy, in particular during frosty winter nights and winter storms.


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Top Reasons to Keep Cats Indoors

Cat Bernd

Domestication and Pet Ownership

Ethically seen it is quite obvious – domestication and pet ownership violate the fundamental rights of non-human animals. When talking about basic animal rights, then we really should only talk about one basic right – the right not to be regarded as ‘property’. If we agree on the fact that human and non-human animals are not ‘things’ or ‘objects’, then they cannot be a property. Also, if human and non-human animals are regarded as ‘objects’, then they logically cannot have an intrinsic value, and therefore they cannot have any rights. Only the owner of an object, or in our case a pet, has got rights, not the object or the pet itself.

Cat Angelika

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How To Care For Visually Impaired Birds

Rook Malcolm

Blindness occurs in many species including birds. Some birds are born blind while others develop blindness. But regardless of how an animal may become blind, blind animals require special care that is different than that of a sighted animal. Knowing how to care for a blind or visually impaired animal can help to prevent many frustrations, misunderstandings and injuries.

Carrion crow Aurelia

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Are Animals Able To Ask Humans For Help?

Before we look at some examples of animals seeking human help, it seems a good idea to address the often heard myth that we as humans must not anthropomorphise animal behaviour. Although this is still a widespread believe, even amongst otherwise renowned scientists, it is simply wrong, based on the ever increasing anecdotal and scientific evidence. I have chosen four short excerpts taken from Marc Bekoff’s book “The Emotional Lives of Animals – A Leading Scientist Explores Animal Joy, Sorrow, and Empathy – and Why They Matter”, who addresses this misconception in his usual precise, ethical and scientific manor. 1

‘Careful and detailed behavioral studies have shown time and again that we can indeed differentiate and understand animal behavior, and how it differs in various social contexts.’

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How To Prevent Birds Colliding With Windows

Birds often strike windows because they see a reflection of clouds, sky or trees, which gives the mistaken impression that they are flying into open air. Window collisions are usually worse in spring and autumn during migration time, with birds flying through less familiar territory. Having said that, window strikes can happen at any time of the year. Juvenile or unexperienced birds are also prone to accidents of this kind. However, the good news is that window strikes are almost always preventable. Here is a collection of preventive measures, which are worth considering when dealing with a window strike problem.

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