The Thing About Violence

Due to recent events, we feel that we should clarify a few things. There are a multitude of different kinds of people with varying intentions and opinions or ethical and moral values responding to the broad selection of topics we have tackled on our website and on Twitter, which is usually very refreshing and for which we are very grateful. Whilst we value the freedom of opinion, we have to distance ourselves from some of the comments and commenters, who seem to have at the very least misunderstood or misinterpreted, unintentionally or intentionally, certain topics, most likely to suit their own agenda.

We are all Earthlings
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Protecting Nest Sites in Roofs

Wildlife in general needs our help and support, as mankind is continuously expanding and progressively destroying wildlife habits far quicker than most animal species are able to adapt. This includes and affects many bird species too. Birds should be allowed to nest wherever there is no true conflict. If there is no proven serious risk to public health, which is rarely ever the case, then please allow birds to nest in or at least under your roof.

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Some Thoughts About Christmas

Podcast – Some Thoughts About Christmas

Christmas is supposed to be a special time of kindness, compassion and gratitude. Christmas gives people the opportunity to reaffirm shared values and to strengthen social bonds. It is a time where people share feelings of excitement and are unified in the experience of participating in a ritual together. It makes people feel like they are part of a collective, whether that be with kin or chosen family. And this is, as humans are social beings, one of our fundamental human needs.

Robin Geneviee
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Sparrow Malala – An Obituary

Sparrow Malala came to us as a fledgling in July 2015. Unlike countless other nestlings and fledglings, Malala has been very lucky that she has been found alive after being attacked and severly injured by an unsupervised roaming pet cat. Only thanks to the swift response of the finder, Malala did survive her ordeal, which was avoidable and inflicted by the negligence of a pet cat owner.

Sparrow fledgling Malala
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