Rook Laniakea – An Obituary

Laniakea came to us as an adult rook in Spring 2017. We did not know for sure how old she was when she arrived. However, it was very obvious to us that Laniakea was already an experienced and mature rook. When we rescued her, it became immediatly apparent that she would never be releasable. This thought was deeply troubling, in particular as it was very likely that Laniakea had a partner, who was waiting for her. Her arrival came with a big shock too, as she had suffered horrendous injuries to her leg, most likely caused by a spring trap. Laniakea had to undergo surgery, but recovered very well from her leg amputation.

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Jackdaw Puck – An Obituary

Jackdaw Puck

It is with great sadness that we have to announce the loss of our residential jackdaw Puck, who became a true friend and member of our mixed human and non-human family.

Puck has been brought to us in August 2015, after she has been found lost and wandering disorientated the streets approaching people randomly. It became quickly apparent that Puck was an imprinted hand raised bird, who may have been escaped or intentionally released. At admission Puck showed marked deficiency signs, which have been most likely caused by a suboptimal diet and care.

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Jackdaw Moritz – An Obituary

Jackdaw Moritz

It is completely unexpected and with great sadness that we have to announce the loss of our residential jackdaw Moritz.

Moritz was an adult jackdaw, who has been admitted in March 2017 after being rescued and saved by animal carers at the local zoo following a vicious attack by monkeys. Moritz came to us in shock, severely bleeding and with comminuted compound fractures of his right wing.

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Rook Aeneas – An Obituary

Rook Aeneas

It is with great sadness that we have to announce the loss of our rook Aeneas.

Aeneas was an adult rook, who came to us in August 2017. At admission we found a severely bleeding compound fracture of his right wing caused by a gun shot injury, which we treated conservatively. Aeneas did also show neurological signs consistent with a concussion featuring a weakness of his right wing and leg. These injuries were likely to be caused by being shot mid air and a subsequent severe impact trauma.

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