Corvid Isle Sanctuary

Corvid Isle is a small non-for-profit organisation and corvid sanctuary (License Number MAU 016710). Our focus is to provide dedicated state of the art long-term care and rehabilitation facilities for native corvid species like magpies, crows, rooks, ravens, jackdaws and jays.

This means that we do provide care for birds for one, sometimes two or even more years, before these birds can be released back into the wild. We are entirely self-funded and rely on the kind support from members of the public. Please go to our Support page to find out more about how you can support our work and the animals in our care.

Corvid Isle is a sanctuary and not a wild bird or corvid rescue.  We are not open to the public and are currently unable to take in new birds. This means that we are also unable to take care of corvid related emergencies or to assist in cases where birds need to be rescued.

Rook Isla
Rook Isla

Poorly or injured animals are usually best cared for by experienced, specialised and suitably equipped rescues or rehabbers. Time is always of an essence! Please check out the links below, which will take you to third party databases of rescues and rehabbers in the UK. The provision of these links is for your convenience only and does not imply any endorsement of, or responsibility for, these organisations or the facilities or services they provide.

Help Wildlife UK

UK Animal Rescues

British Wildlife Rehabilitation Council (BWRC)

Please note that not all bird rescues and rehabbers are specialised in corvids or are able to provide long term care facilities suitable for the specific needs of corvids. Prior to the hand over of any rescue animal, it is recommended to check the relevant policies of the rescue or veterinary surgeon concerned, which includes respective euthanasia policies.