Mission Statement

Holistic Nonviolence – The Bigger Picture

We are committed to the principles of holistic nonviolence. Holistic nonviolence is rooted in the belief that all life is interconnected and deserves respect and compassion. The core principle is to avoid harm being inflicted to all sentient beings, be it physically, mentally or emotionally. The principles of holistic nonviolence generally advocate for minimising harm and promoting peace through compassionate and nonviolent means.

Main Principles

  • We acknowledge the interconnectedness of all life forms and understand that all our actions have ripple effects.
  • We aim to cultivate empathy and understanding towards all sentient beings.
  • We emphasise the need for peaceful dialogue and communication to resolve conflicts and differences.
  • We promote justice, equality and fairness for all individuals and communities.
  • We value and celebrate the diversity of cultures, beliefs and perspectives.
  • We recognise the interconnectedness between humanity and the environment and advocate for sustainable practices.
  • We encourage self-reflection and personal growth to embody nonviolent principles in our everyday life.

By embracing these principles, holistic nonviolence seeks to create a more peaceful and harmonious world. However, we do understand that there may be situations where these principles cannot be applied, and the use of force is deemed necessary to prevent greater harm or to protect innocent lives, such as in cases of self-defence or defence of others from imminent danger.

The interconnection between human and animal rights lies in recognising the intrinsic value of all sentient beings and promoting compassion and justice for both. Protecting animal rights often aligns with advancing human rights, as practices that harm animals do also have negative implications for human welfare, such as environmental degradation, public health risks and ethical considerations. Additionally, advocating for animal rights can foster empathy and create a more ethical society, which will benefit both, animal and human rights efforts.

Corvid Isle Sanctuary

Corvid Isle Sanctuary is a small non-for-profit organisation and corvid sanctuary (License Number MAU 015046). Our aim is to share our fascination and love for those birds belonging to the crow family, also known as corvids or corvidae. Corvids are passerine birds that include, amongst other species, crows, ravens, rooks, jackdaws, jays, magpies and choughs. These birds have long been demonised and accused of foul deeds. However, myth and reality are very different. We would like to change this stigma by sharing our experiences and observations, which we have acquired over many years of rescue and rehabilitation work. Our focus is to provide dedicated state of the art long-term care and rehabilitation facilities for native corvid species like magpies, crows, rooks, ravens, jackdaws and jays.

About Corvid Isle

What is a Vegan-Run Corvid Sanctuary?