After many years of rescue and rehabilitation work, focusing on short and long term rehabilitation of native corvids, we have retired from active wild bird rescue business and have subsequently founded the Corvid Isle Sanctuary, which is a small non-for-profit organisation based in the Scottish Highlands.
Our past and current work with human and non-human animal patients, and in particular the daily confrontation with public perceptions and practices, which often disallow basic rights to certain groups of humans or non-human animal species whilst protecting or cherishing others, has highlighted a persisting and even progressive disconnection within our human society as well as between humans and nature. This growing insight has also demonstrated to us the importance of education and awareness, which will hopefully enable our fellow humans to make educated decisions and to implement non-violent solutions in order to address these and other closely related problems within our society and beyond.

A Short Tour Guide
Do you love corvids? Would you like to learn more about them? Then you are in the right place. If you would like to read some of our older blog posts, then you might find our Archive page useful, where you can find a complete list of all published posts.
If you have a specific wildlife or corvid related question, or if you are interested in animal behaviour and animal ethics, then you might want to check out our FAQ section. Posts and topics related to the rescue and care of corvids you can find on our Corvid Care page. In case you would like to learn more about our Corvid Isle patients and residents, then you might also like our Gallery . Do you have a question, or do you need advice? Please get in touch by using our website Contact form.