Jackdaw Jacky is a western jackdaw (Coloeus monedula), also known as Eurasian jackdaw, European jackdaw or simply jackdaw. Jackdaws are passerine birds belonging to the crow family. Jacky was born in spring of 2011 and lives with us since 2019. She is unfortunately not releasable, as she is imprinted and has spent most of her life with humans. Jacky has been rescued as an orphaned fledgling by a well meaning person, who raised and unintentionally imprinted her. Jacky does live with us in our household, as she is not comfortable with other residential birds and is sadly not being tolerated by her own kind either.
Jackdaw Jacky is a unique ambassador for her species and for corvids in general. She even starred in the latest movie produced and directed by Duncan Marquiss called ‘Mirror Test’. We hope that you will enjoy the excerpt of the movie and Jacky’s photo collection.
Mirror Test, 2019 (excerpt), Projections: Artists In The Cinema Commission 2020, Duncan Marquiss