Jackdaw Jacky

Jackdaw Jacky

Introducing Corvid Isle Sanctuary Residents

Jacky was born in spring 2011. She has been raised by a kind person after being found on the ground as a nestling. We took over her care in 2019 as the previous guardian became unable to care for her. Jacky is an imprinted and unreleasable but otherwise very happy bird, who thoroughly enjoys living in a human household.

Jackdaw Jacky enjoying a sun bath
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Jackdaw Izzy – An Obituary

Jackdaw Izzy

26th October 2021

In July 2020 we took over the care of juvenile Jackdaw Izzy. He has been rescued and cared for by kind members of staff of Monkey Haven, the Isle of Wight Primate Rescue Centre. Izzy suffered a severe concussion and spinal contusion with paralysis of both legs as well as a badly bruised wing. It took him about 4 weeks to recover, but he still showed persisting problems with his right wing and lack of power in both legs, when he came into our care. He was also clearly imprinted and still dependent on being hand fed.

Jackdaw Izzy
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Jackdaw Ranjit – An Obituary

Jackdaw Ranjit

29th September 2021

Jackdaw Ranjit came to us as a very poorly nestling after a nest fall in June 2016. At the time we fought very hard to save his life, as he came to us in shock and with signs of severe malnutrition and dehydration. As it is often the case in wildlife rescue and rehabilitation, we did not exactly know what has happened to him. However, it was very likely that Ranjit was the so called ‘runt’ of the brood, as he was not just poorly but appeared also underdeveloped for his age compared to his siblings. The runt of a group of birds hatched from the same clutch of eggs is usually the smallest and weakest of them.

Jay Clive and jackdaw Ranjit
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Jackdaw Saber – An Obituary

Jackdaw Saber
Podcast – Jackdaw Saber – An Obituary

We rescued jackdaw Saber as a juvenile bird in June 2014, after we managed to free him from his entanglement in an insufficiently deployed and damaged nylon bird net. We found him hanging head down on his leg whilst his wing was twisted and entangled in the loose strands of the damaged net. Saber must have been trapped in this position for a prolonged period of time, as he was very weak, barely responsive and in shock. Saber suffered severe soft tissue injuries to his left wing, a subluxated hock joint and a paralysis of the left foot caused by nerve damage.

Jackdaw Saber
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