Nesting Season – Spring Wildlife Advice

As this year’s nesting season is already in full swing, it seems appropriate to address some common problems wildlife rescues and rehabbers encounter every year. Most importantly it is worth noting that due to the small size of our sanctuary and our work commitments we are unable to attend wildlife rescues or to give timely social media, email or telephone advice in ongoing emergency or rescue situations.

Juvenile starling

However, if you have a question regarding bird or specifically corvid rescue, care or rehabilitation, then please check out our Corvid Care page or alternatively go to our FAQ section. Both sources contain a multitude of information about wildlife and bird emergencies in general and will also give detailed information referring specifically to corvids. For your convenience we have provided a few especially important links here in this blog post. These links will give you access to blog posts containing essential pieces of information about who to rescue and who to leave alone and how to recognise and catch a poorly or sick bird. Furthermore, these links will also provide you with detailed information about general life saving first aid measures focussing in particular on injuries inflicted by freely roaming unsupervised pet cats, which will save lives and will increase chances of survival aimed to bridge the time gap until a patient is being handed over into the care of an experienced wildlife rescue or rehabber.

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Protecting Nest Sites in Roofs

Wildlife in general needs our help and support, as mankind is continuously expanding and progressively destroying wildlife habits far quicker than most animal species are able to adapt. This includes and affects many bird species too. Birds should be allowed to nest wherever there is no true conflict. If there is no proven serious risk to public health, which is rarely ever the case, then please allow birds to nest in or at least under your roof.

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The Protection Of Birds During Nesting Season


All wild birds are protected during nesting season. This includes their nests, whilst in use or being built, as well as any eggs the nest may contain. Under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (WCA) it is an offence to:

  • intentionally kill, injure or take any wild bird,
  • intentionally damage, destroy or take the nest of any wild bird while it is in use or being built,
  • intentionally destroy an egg of any wild bird
  • and intentionally or recklessly disturb certain wild birds or their dependent young while they are nesting.

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First Aid For Birds – How To Help A Grounded Corvid Fledgling


It is nesting season and corvid fledglings are about to leave their nests to start the big adventure of life. Corvid fledglings are fully feathered and healthy looking birds, who can perch, stand and hop by themselves. They are already able to fly short distances. Fledglings of many bird species leave the nest at this stage, and for good reasons. If they would remain in the nest, predators could have an easy meal, killing the whole brood at once. Leaving the nest and hiding scattered in trees, in the undergrowth or in bushes, even when not fully developed and not being able to fly properly, is the best way to increase survival chances. It gives fledglings the time and required exercise to improve their flying skills, which often takes less than a week of daily practice, after they have left the nest.

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