Marcus has been rescued by us in December 2018. We found him on the road side after being injured by a car. At the time Marcus was very poorly with signs of marked starvation and dehydration. He did suffer a severe concussion and a beak fracture, which resulted in a mild cross beak deformity. Despite all odds Marcus recovered very well and settled eventually happily into our pigeon community. The beak fracture healed well too, but a slight scissor beak remained. Marcus adapted to this slight impairment without bigger problems.
Jon Snow is an adult hooded crow. He came to us just recently in June 2024. Jon Snow is a wild local crow and the male partner of a local territory holding pair residing not far from our sanctuary. Jon Snow was most likely hit by a car on a single track road close to where we live. By chance, our neighbour discovered Jon Snow on the verge of the road and tried to secure him. Unfortunately, Jon Snow managed to escape despite being injured, bleeding and flightless. He disappeared and went into hiding into our local woods.
We thoroughly searched the area several times. However, we were unable to locate him. We knew that due to his severe injuries he might not survive for very long. At this time we could only hope that we would have a chance to catch him in time. Having said that, we were also certain that Jon Snow would stay in the area, nearby his family, which did visit us every morning to collect their food share from our wild bird feeders.
Editor’s note: This post has originally been posted on 31st August 2022, and has now been updated and republished.
Isla joined us in June 2022 as a nestling after being rescued by well-meaning but inexperienced people. We do not know a lot about Isla’s story other than that she has been found as a presumed orphan. We understand that the carer struggled increasingly to raise Isla. Eventually, two weeks later, the carer brought Isla to a local bird rescue. The team recognised immediately that Isla was in great trouble, and that she would require long term care. Subsequently, we have been asked to take Isla into our care, which we did.
Rook Isla after her first bath
Coexistence of Multiple Health Conditions
At admission Isla showed signs of a generalised infection. She was very lethargic and dehydrated. We found extensive soft tissue swellings involving hock, ankle and foot joints whilst sparing all wing joints. Several small pressure sores were already present. Obscured by the marked joint swelling, we also noticed an unusual deformity of Isla’s right-sided hock and ankle joint being suggestive of older fractures.
Jacky was born in spring 2011. She has been raised by a kind person after being found on the ground as a nestling. We took over her care in 2019 as the previous guardian became unable to care for her. Jacky is an imprinted and unreleasable but otherwise very happy bird, who thoroughly enjoys living in a human household.
Amor has been brought to us in May 2017 as a 3 or 4 day old carrion crow hatchling, being completely dependent on his parents for care, warmth and nourishment. He had barely any feathers and his eyes were still closed. Hatchlings like Amor are very vulnerable and require constant warmth and protection. Amor has been brought indoors by a freely roaming unsupervised cat. It is unclear whether the cat did raid the nest itself, or a bird of prey did, and the cat was just an opportunistic bystander.